Friday, March 23, 2007

My Passage in India

Long time no post, I just realized. Poor show on my part.

Have just been to India (work, not pleasure) for the first time. Spent four days in Delhi this week. Seeing people living in makeshift tents by the side of main roads made me realize just how lucky we all are. And that was in the posh part of the city...

But, as I guess can be said for many parts of the world, the people are incredibly friendly, though I have never been so scared on the roads. They have traffic lights and road markings but, hey, they're just there for show! And they're all constantly leaning on their horns, whether there's anyone in the way or not. There's no relaxing when you're getting from A to B...

It was a successful trip so I am sure I will be back quite soon. I'll try and take some time out to take some photos next time.